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Safeguard Sensitive Information on Unwanted Documents

Safeguard your sensitive information on disposable documents by shredding them thoroughly in a micro cut shredder. These shredder make it impossible for scammers and identity thieves to access any of your personal and confidential data. They are capable of shredding credit and debit cards, cd’s, dvd’s, staples, and getting rid of them in such a way that makes it impossible for anyone to reassemble. Not taking precautionary measures to prevent important information from getting in the hands of the wrong people can be quite costly, not only in monetary form but also in the form of your reputation and good name being tarnished which could take months or even years to recoup.

Need more reasons to purchase and utilize a shredder? Here are three (3):
1) It’s the Law – Federal laws such as FACTA and HIPAA require that certain types of material be shredded. Failure to do so can warrant some hefty fines and penalties.

2) Protect Your Customers – When disposing of customer, client or patient information, it should be shredded. Information such as a name, date of birth, social security number, address and other personal information can quickly turn into a headache for your customer if it falls into the wrong hands.

3) Protect Your Employees – While we often think of protecting customer information, we often forget about employees. Human Resources and other business departments often handle sensitive employee information that should be properly shredded when no longer needed.

Why take unnecessary risk when you can easily avoid it? Purchase and use a cross-cut or micro-cut shredder to safeguard your confidentials.